17 Days Till 30: Cycling

| Posted by Lou | The time is 1.50pm here in London UK |

So as many of you know I don't ride bikes - I did learn when I was younger, but I didn't ever continue after mastering the solo cycle around the block.

Therefore I decided to learn in advance of my 30th birthday.

But you know what - I've changed my mind. Is it really such a big deal not to ride a bike? Even if I did, I wouldn't ever actually do it in London as the traffic is terrifying.

This random picture has only a precarious link to my post -
I just happen to love it and always giggle when I see it.

I can understand people learning to swim as adults* as to me that's a basic safety thing that could one day result in loss of life, but who ever died because they couldn't ride a bike?

So I am scrubbing this off my list and saying that it's okay not to be a bike rider.

*The number of British people who can't swim continues to amaze me.

One thought on “17 Days Till 30: Cycling”

  1. I choose my choice!!

    Hahhahahaaa ;P

    Aah nice one, Lou - seriously, good on you. It's not like you've chucked in bicycle riding to buy two Hummers instead - and neither London or Wellington are really bike friendly cities! Perhaps you can just hold out til you're a little old lady and get one of those electric scooters instead?? :D