30 Days of Me: Lou's Day 12

Posted by Lou. The time is 9.00am here in London UK.

How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

I found out about Blogger via, I would guess, Bel. It was suggested to me - again, I would guess by Bel - that when I moved away from New Zealand I start a blog to keep people in the loop with what is going on, and I'm sure I went with whatever website was the first suggestion.

As well as the above reason of keeping people in the loop, having a blog also allowed me to feel like I had company while I was doing 6 weeks of tripping around the US of A, and also gave me somewhere to record my travels in words and pictures. (Thank goodness - I lost a lot of my photos from that time due to the switchover from the online photo website I was using to google images.)

I went from posting frequently (sometimes drunkenly and over-sharingly) to only posting very occasionally, and generally with minimal thought. Around that time Bel suggested creating this inter-continental effort - et voila.

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