30 Days of Me: Bel's Day 8

Posted by Bel. The time is 10.54am here in Wellington NZ

Short term goals this month and why

  1. Move house (this weekend) without murdering myself or anyone else. It's my 7th move in 5 years, and you know what? All that practice does not make it any easier.
  2. There's a huge project at work which I need to knock off by the end of the month. I'm on contract which ends in a year and I want to get as many notches in my belt as I can. I really need to up my focus and stop, um, fluffing around on daily updates and pointing monitoring of Twitter.
  3. Go to the gym on a friggin regular basis. I have put in my work calendar the yoga and pilates classes that are doable in a lunchtime, as well as the "X55" classes in the evenings which pretty much kill me but might actually get me fit.