Posted by Lou The time is 9.00am here in London UK
Another of the prompts:
What makes you notice someone?
Well, assuming they mean in terms of men, I am as predictable as the Big Ben in that I have one very specific physical type that I will always - ALWAYS - notice:
curly brown hair
(preferably a little bit too long, scraggly, and with no hair product)
Despite the recent years, Joaquin remains my ultimate model for scraggly haired goodness
I went in to edit this post and add the "Lou's Boyfriend" tag I'm sure was there from ridiculous posting about Chabon or Eggers ages ago - but to no avail, so threw on some other ones that popped up as I was trying to summon it! ha ha ;D
Aw, I was hoping you'd rustled up: HOT BOYZZZ and OOHLALA tags
There's probably some kind of ovary related comment that needs to be made too...